#!/usr/bin/lua TOLUA_VERSION="tolua++-1.0.93(lua)" local function help() print([[ usage: tolua++ [options] input_file Command line options are: -v : print version information. -o file : set output file; default is stdout. -H file : create include file. -n name : set package name; default is input file root name. -p : parse only. -P : parse and print structure information (for debug). -S : disable support for c++ strings. -1 : substract 1 to operator[] index (for compatibility with tolua5). -L file : run lua file (with dofile()) before doing anything. -D : disable automatic exporting of destructors for classes that have constructors (for compatibility with tolua5) -W : disable warnings for unsupported features (for compatibility with tolua5) -C : disable cleanup of included lua code (for easier debugging) -E value[=value] : add extra values to the luastate -t : export a list of types asociates with the C++ typeid name -q : don't print warnings to the console -h : print this message. Should the input file be omitted, stdin is assumed; in that case, the package name must be explicitly set.\n ]]) os.exit(0) end local function version() print(TOLUA_VERSION.." (written by W. Celes, A. Manzur)") os.exit(0) end local function pdofile(path) local success, errmsg=pcall(dofile, path) if success then return true end print(errmsg) return false end local function new_iter(t) local i=0 return function() i=i+1 if i>#t then return end return t[i] end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- main ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if #arg==0 then help() end _extra_parameters={} flags={} local argMap={ ['v']=function(iter) version() end, ['h']=function(iter) help() end, ['p']=function(iter) flags["p"]=true end, ['P']=function(iter) flags["P"]=true end, ['o']=function(iter) flags["o"]=iter() end, ['n']=function(iter) flags["n"]=iter() end, ['H']=function(iter) flags["H"]=iter() end, ['S']=function(iter) flags["S"]=true end, ['1']=function(iter) flags["1"]=true end, ['L']=function(iter) flags["L"]=iter() end, ['D']=function(iter) flags["D"]=true end, ['W']=function(iter) flags["W"]=true end, ['C']=function(iter) flags["C"]=true end, ['E']=function(iter) table.insert(_extra_parameters, iter()) end, ['t']=function(iter) flags["t"]=true end, ['q']=function(iter) flags["q"]=true end, } local iter=new_iter(arg) while true do local v=iter() if not v then break end if v:sub(1, 1)=='-' then -- options key=v:sub(2, 2) if argMap[key] then argMap[key](iter) else print("tolua: unknown option '"..key.."'") os.exit(1) end else -- pkg --argMap.f=v 間違い flags.f=v end end --pdofile("src/bin/lua/compat-5.1.lua") pdofile("src/bin/lua/compat.lua") pdofile("src/bin/lua/basic.lua") pdofile("src/bin/lua/feature.lua") pdofile("src/bin/lua/verbatim.lua") pdofile("src/bin/lua/code.lua") pdofile("src/bin/lua/typedef.lua") pdofile("src/bin/lua/container.lua") pdofile("src/bin/lua/package.lua") pdofile("src/bin/lua/module.lua") pdofile("src/bin/lua/namespace.lua") pdofile("src/bin/lua/define.lua") pdofile("src/bin/lua/enumerate.lua") pdofile("src/bin/lua/declaration.lua") pdofile("src/bin/lua/variable.lua") pdofile("src/bin/lua/array.lua") pdofile("src/bin/lua/function.lua") pdofile("src/bin/lua/operator.lua") pdofile("src/bin/lua/template_class.lua") pdofile("src/bin/lua/class.lua") pdofile("src/bin/lua/clean.lua") pdofile("src/bin/lua/doit.lua") local err,msg = pcall(doit) if not err then local _,_,label,msg = strfind(msg,"(.-:.-:%s*)(.*)") tolua_error(msg,label) print(debug.traceback()) end